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Get a quote for your health insurance

Enter your details, choose your ideal plan and complete your purchase 100% online

Type of Policy
Single Mother or Father
Annual income
< $15,000
$15,000 - $85,000
$85,000 - $120,000
$120,000 >

Your insurance coverage

Medical Consultation

Care with a family doctor and specialists. Prescription medications included.


Covers operating room, doctors for surgical intervention, medications and cash benefits


Full accident coverage and free ambulance transfer.


Chemotherapy treatments, physical therapy, psychological support, nutritional consultations and more.

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Discover the plan that
you need

Basic Plan

An essential plan, the minimum coverage you should have to be prepared for any eventuality.

Standard Plan

Commonly chosen plan: Preferred by over 70% of our customers who want more comprehensive coverage for accidents and illnesses.

Complete Plan

Prevention is key, it is wiser to be prepared even for the most challenging diseases, such as cancer, as these benefits can be of great help in the most critical moments.

Obama Care Insurance (ACA)

Health insurance option designed to ensure that everyone has access to essential medical care regardless of their circumstances. If you are looking for affordable, quality health coverage, Obama Care Insurance (ACA) may be the right solution for you and your family.


Invite your friends to Capybara Group and get a $25 gift card for every new friend who gets insurance with us.* Plus, you can both get 20% off your tax return.

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